Top website statistics for 2020


To rank well on SERP’s today requires a website optimisation strategy that considers the following website statistics by

85% of adults think that a company’s website when viewed on a mobile device should be as good or better than its desktop website.

The takeaway: make sure your website is mobile responsive and that it displays properly on any device it’s viewed. Navigation must be simple and compelling to keep visitors engaged for more than the 0.05 seconds it usually takes them to leave. Text should be easily readable without zooming in and buttons and links must be clickable on a smaller screen. Menu access needs to be uncomplicated so that users can find easily find what they’re looking for.


38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive.

The takeaway: be mindful of the latest website design trends that we discuss in this blog. Consider graphical elements like minimalistic design and the use of black and white or luminous colour. Think about using a dark mode with boldly coloured CTA buttons so that they’re easy to find. Use bigger and bolder typography, top quality full-screen images and videos and oversized icons. There are several ways to build a website that pops and engages your target audience long enough to convert.


88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience

The takeaway: optimise your website, integrating SEO, UX and UI best practices. The speed at which web pages load must be quick. Conversion rates will likely take a hit if online shoppers are faced with pages that load too slowly. They’ll simply leave your site in frustration and take their business somewhere else. Optimise the size of your images so that loading time isn’t impacted. Particularly when 47% of users expect a maximum of 2 seconds loading time for an average website. Deliver useful content that will help solve the challenges your audience is experiencing. Visitors to your site want their pain points addressed and you can do this through the content you create. Keep the selling subtle. Instead, use your website to engage, establish trust, build relationships and convert leads to loyal customers.


83% of mobile users say that a seamless experience across all devices is very important

The takeaway: consumers do not necessarily want the same experience across all devices. Instead, they want to be able to view a website on a computer, then pick up a phone or tablet and pick up where they left off without any confusion.


88% of consumers who search for a type of business on a mobile device call or go to that business within 24 hours

The takeaway: you need to make sure that your website creates a first impression that converts. Responsive website design is key in keeping visitors on your site long enough. User experience matters in keeping them engaged. An easy layout makes for simple navigation so that visitors can find what they’re looking for.

At QoboWeb, we design fully-functional, beautiful websites that reflect your aesthetics and retain brand integrity. Contact us here and let our team of web designers and developers help you build a website that will reflect your brand, enhance your online presence and make you stand out from your competitors.

Top Website Statistics for 2020